Becky A. McHughes

Becky A. McHughes
Becky A. McHughes received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville in 2001. She serves as managing partner at The McHughes Law Firm, PLLC. Her goal as a debt collection attorney is to preserve and protect the integrity of the legal collections industry. Her goal for the firm is to be accountable to clients, thereby creating a trusting relationship that fosters integrity throughout the community, including the consumers who attempt to be accountable for their outstanding obligations. It is her core belief that everyone should be treated with dignity both within and outside of the workplace.
Since becoming a licensed attorney, Ms. McHughes has been instrumental in the growth of The McHughes Law Firm, PLLC, helping it to become a multi-million dollar organization. She was essential to winning the Landers vs. Jameson Supreme Court decision. In 2011, she co-founded the Arkansas Creditors Bar Association, over which she now presides as president. She has been a proven creditors’ advocate by helping educate the legal community regarding creditors’ rights and by authoring several memoranda to the courts.